Maumee Valley Planning Organization

Serving Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Paulding, and Williams Counties in Northwest Ohio
Community Development Block Grant Information
Henry and Paulding Counties will be eligible in Program Year 2024. Defiance, Fulton, and Williams Counties are eligible for allocation dollars for the Program Year 2025. Below is more information regarding the program. Please contact MVPO if you have any questions or want to get started on applications for future program years. Click here for the program guidelines.
Construction or improvement of public facilities
senior centers
parks, playgrounds and other recreation facilities
centers for the handicapped
neighborhood facilities
solid waste disposal facilities
fire protection facilities and equipment
parking facilities
street improvements (chip & seal/gravel based road improvements are not eligible)
flood and drainage facilities
water and sewer facilities
curbs and sidewalks
Removal of architectural or other barriers to make buildings or sites accessible for the handicapped and elderly
Preservation of historic buildings or areas
Clearance and/or demolition of blighted buildings or sites:​
This program is designed to provide grants for the demolition of commercial and residential buildings and revitalization of surrounding properties. If you have a property that you would like demolished, please email the County Treasurer the property card and photos of the property that you want demolished so that they can consider your property for demolition.
Eligible Properties
Blighted, vacant or abandoned structures are eligible for demolition. Commercial and residential buildings on sites that are not brownfields are eligible properties. Commercial properties include buildings that were used for retail, office, manufacturing, industrial, industrial warehousing, institutional, or other non-residential or mixed-use (meaning any mix of these uses or a mix of residential and commercial uses) purposes.
Non-vacant and blighted structures are not eligible, unless they are contiguous and/or connected to vacant and blighted structures that are necessary to demolish.
Demolition Contractors
If you are a demolition contractor and would like to bid on any future demolition projects, you must be pre-qualified. Complete the demolition pre-qualification form found on the Bids & RFQs Tab.
CDBG Allocation Application
This application is for smaller projects that address one item, such as installing sidewalks or demolishing a blighted building.
Competitive Grant Programs
Other community development grants include:
Neighborhood Revitalization
Downtown Revitalization
Critical Infrastructure
Residential Public Infrastructure
Target of Opportunity
If you are interested in applying for one of these grant opportunities, contact Maumee Valley Planning Organization at 419-784-3882 or
To meet the guidelines of the CDBG CD Allocation Program, every project submitted for funding must meet at least one of the following National Objectives:
Benefit low and moderate income (LMI) persons
Aid in the prevention or elimination of slum and blight
At least 51% of the households in the area that the project benefits must be low to moderate income to qualify as benefiting LMI persons. If the benefit area is not at least 51% LMI according to the 2011-2015 American Community Survey 5-year estimates, the applicant must complete an income survey. Please contact MVPO to determine if an income survey is needed.
The following low and moderate income (LMI) summary data are special tabulations of the American Community Survey 2011-2015 5-year estimates (2015 ACS). These data will replace the prior LMI summary data based on the American Community Survey 2006-2010 5-year estimates (2010 ACS) in order to comply with the CDBG National Objective of providing benefit to low- and moderate-income persons on an area basis (current as of July 1, 2022).
For all block groups county, township, and place LMI data in the MVPO region, reference the excel sheets, County summary sheets, and maps below.
LMI Data for Places & Townships
LMI Data for Census Block Groups
Defiance County LMI Data (2011-2015)
Defiance County LMI Map (2011-2015)
Fulton County LMI Data (2011-2015)
Henry County LMI Data (2011-2015)
Henry County LMI Map (2011-2015)
Paulding County LMI Data (2011-2015)
Paulding County LMI Data (2011-2015)
Williams County LMI Data (2011-2015)
Williams County LMI Map (2011-2015)
Williams County LMI Block Group Map (2011-2015)
water & sewer
The Maumee Valley Planning Organization is committed to ensuring that each and every resident in the five county district has access to public water and sewer service. The Maumee Valley Planning Organization has assisted many entities in the District in obtaining funding for water and sewer projects.
Below are examples of water and sewer projects:
The Village of Delta completed a new equalization basin and improvements to 8 wastewater collection sites.
The Village of Deshler completed a new wastewater lift station and added a lagoon cell.
The Village of Montpelier completed a storm and sanitary sewer separation with 50 new tap-ins.
The Village of Cecil built a new wastewater treatment facility.