Maumee Valley Planning Organization

Serving Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Paulding, and Williams Counties in Northwest Ohio
Community Reinvestment Area (CRA)
According to the Ohio Development Services Agency, a CRA is an economic development tool administered by municipal and county governments that provides real property tax exemptions to property owners who renovate existing or construct new buildings.
Community Reinvestment Areas are parcels of land in which property owners can receive tax incentives for investing in real property improvements. For more information, please see the Ohio Revised Code Section 3735.66 on the definition of a CRA.
Who Benefits?
Property owners who are interested in renovating existing or constructing new buildings may benefit from the development of a CRA. The program permits municipalities or counties to designate areas as a CRA where investment has been discouraged , to promote the revitalization of the existing housing stock and the development of new structures.
Local municipalities or counties can determine the type of development to be supported by the CRA Program by specifying the eligibility of residential, commercial, and/or industrial projects.
The City of Defiance (Defiance County)
The Village of Edon (Williams County)
The Village of Ney (in progress) (Defiance County)
MVPO Community Reinvestment Area Previous Applicants
Maumee Valley Planning Organization Housing Survey
According to the Ohio Revised Code Sections 3735.65-70 a set of guidelines discusses a community reinvestment area. Maumee Valley Planning Organization serves as a "Housing Officer" which is a officer or agency of a municipal corporation or county designated to administer the program.
Before defining your communities CRA district or designation, a Housing Survey must be completed. This is a report which provides a comprehensive survey of the housing characteristics within a community. This report includes population statistics, housing stock and characteristics of comparable cities or communities in the region.
For questions or examples of what a Housing Survey is, please see the City of Defiance Housing Survey example below:
Upon request, MVPO will provide quotes to communities in need of help conducting housing surveys starting in March of 2021.
For additional information, please click CRA Petition and download this document for your community to fill out and submit. If you have any questions or need assistance, please call our office.