Maumee Valley Planning Organization

Serving Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Paulding, and Williams Counties in Northwest Ohio
Community Housing Impact and Preservation (CHIP)
Housing funds are available for the following activities for Owner-Occupied Homes and Landlord Assisted Rentals.
Water/Sewer Issues
Lead Paint Issues
Accessibility Needs
Eligible Activities
What is CHIP?
The Community Housing Impact and Preservation (CHIP) Program provides funding to address housing-related activities. Eligible households who do not have the resources to make necessary improvements to their homes can apply for this program. Maumee Valley Planning Organization oversees applications for Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Paulding, and Williams Counties in Northwest Ohio. Activities available to homeowners are described below.
CHIP Activities for Homeowners & Landlords
Private Owner Occupied Properties
The Private Rehabilitation activity addresses full rehabilitation of the property to bring the entire home into conformance with local and state codes while addressing health and safety concerns.
Eligible Improvements
The improvements will include correction of structural issues, heating, electrical, plumbing, lead paint hazards, accessibility, and water/sewer issues. This is NOT a home remodeling program, as only health and safety issues can be addressed. Life Estate or Land Contract properties are not eligible for this activity. This is a rated activity.
More Information
Homes are rated based on household characteristics and housing unit condition with homes rating highest being completed first. A mortgage is placed on the property in the amount of assistance provided, with 20% annually forgiven over a five (5) year period. Balance is due if the home is sold or transferred within the five year affordability period. No payments until the sale or transfer of the property. See income limits for household income eligibility.
Home Repair
Private Owner Occupied Properties
This activity assists owner-occupied homeowners with one or two repair needs.
Eligible Repairs
Grants will be provided to qualified homeowners to address necessary repairs such as faulty wiring, water/sewer issues, badly leaking roof, furnace replacement, etc., on a first-come, first-serve basis. This activity is designed to assist a property one time. See income limits for household income eligibility.
Home Repair
Rental Properties
This activity assists landlords to correct one or two specific problems that adversely affect occupant health and safety and/or the unit’s structural integrity. Assistance is provided to rental units (1-4 unit properties) on a first-come, first-serve basis. The CHIP Program assists with 50% of the cost of the project and the landlord pays 50% of the project. Landlords must agree to rent to income eligible households and keep rents below the HUD Section 8 Fair Market Rent amounts for a 2-year period.
Now accepting Pre-Applications for the following communities:
Maumee Valley East
Henry County
Fulton County
City of Napoleon
City of Wauseon
Maumee Valley South
Defiance County
City of Defiance
Paulding County
Maumee Valley North
Williams County
City of Bryan
CHIP funds are made available through a collaborative effort by:
Defiance County Commissioners
Henry County Commissioners
Defiance County Commissioners
Henry County Commissioners
Fulton County Commissioners
Paulding County Commissioners
City of Bryan
City of Napoleon
City of Defiance
City of Wauseon
Send us a message and we can check if you qualify:

Below are the 2024 income limits* for the CHIP Program (Rental and Owner Occupied): Effective 4/1/24
*If property has Lead Abatement Orders from the Ohio Department of Health, contact MVPO for more information.