Maumee Valley Planning Organization

Serving Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Paulding, and Williams Counties in Northwest Ohio

Communities can apply for numerous State and Federal grants with assistance from MVPO. Programs related to transportation include trail development and recreational facilities through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, economic development opportunities through Transportation Improvement Districts, and Safety grants and Transportation Alternatives through the Ohio Department of Transportation.

Safety Improvement
Projects that focus on preventing injuries resulting from pedestrian and roadway departure crashes through systemic infrastructure improvements.
Applications due January 31
Funds 90% up to $2 million for pedestrian and $5 million for roadway departure
Projects that can quickly implement safety improvements at locations with a crash pattern and safety concern.
Applications due Dec 31, Mar 31, June 30, & Sept 30
Funds up to $250,000
Projects that are higher-cost, more complex safety improvements that require a more detailed review.
Applications due Aug 31
Funds 90% of $250,000-$5,000,000
Funds 100% of up to $50,000 in safety sign materials
Eligible townships are announced each year

Active Transportation
Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP)
Funds 80% of eligible costs for construction and/or acquisition; projects include bicycle & pedestrian facilities, overlooks, and more
Letter of interest due Oct. 31; applications due Jan. 31
Funds 100% up to $400,000 for infrastructure and up to $15,000 for non-infrastructure projects
Applications due in March
Must have an up-to-date School Travel Plan
Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR)
NatureWorks: due July 15; Funds 75% up to $150,000
Clean Ohio Trails Fund: due April 15; Funds 75% up to $500,000
Recreational Trails: due April 15; Funds 80% up to $150,000
Up to $10,000 for bicycling, active transportation, and community development projects; letter of intent due in January; application due in April
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
$150,000 for a minimum of 4 projects for public facilities, removal of barriers for accessibility, etc.
Two-year application cycle, due in April

All transit programs letter of intent due Oct 1 and application due Mar 1
Specialized Transportation Program (5310)
Projects that enhance mobility for seniors and persons with disabilities in small urbanized and rural areas
Funds 80% of vehicles, equipment to support program, preventative maintenance for 5310 funded vehicles, contracted services, and mobility management
Funds 50% of operating assistance
Projects selected for funding must be included in a coordinated transportation plan
Defiance, Fulton, Henry, and Williams County Coordinated Plan
Paulding County's Coordinated Plan is in development
For information on the coordinated plan process, visit​
Rural Transportation Program (5311)​
Projects that provide public transportation services in rural and small urban areas.
Funds 50% of operating assistance; funds 80% of capital projects
Ohio Transportation Partnership Program (OTP2)​
To facilitate the most efficient and effective use of state funds in the provision of public transportation services
Must be a 5311 or 5307 recipient; can be used for match funding
Bus and Bus Facilities Program (5339)​
Projects that purchase or maintain bus fleets and/or facilities.
Funds 80% of net capital projects; 90% of leasing or acquiring low- or no-emission bus-related equipment and facilities
Elderly & Disabled (E&D) Transit Fare Assistance
Provides grant funds to reimburse eligible public transportation systems who offer reduced fares to the elderly and people with disabilities.
Must be a 5311 or 5307 recipient; reimbursement program

Economic Development
Transportation Improvement District (TID)
Application period is from May 1 - May 31
Funds 75% of the total project cost or $250,000 per fiscal year
Projects are considered based on economic development, job creation, and retention
TID boards are established in each county of MVPO's region

Funds 80% for bridge replacement or rehabilitation up to $2,000,000
Until fiscal year 2027, 15% Toll Revenue Credit (TRC) is available to increase the Federal percentage to 95%
Applications due Aug 15
Ohio Bridge Partnership Program
Funds 100% for construction cost only up to $1,000,000
Applications due Apr 15
Projects for construction only and may be used for any road, safety, or signal project on the Federal Aid System
Cities with populations from 5,000 to 24,999 are eligible
Funds 80% up to $2,000,000
Applications are due June15
Projects for sidewalks, roadways and culvert (less than 10 feet) projects located within township limits
Funds 100% up to $250,000
Applications are due Jan 14

The Policies for Managing the MVPO Dedicated Funds and the application for funding are below. We will accept both emailed and mailed applications.
The Dedicated Funds Program will make available $548,416 of funding over the next two years for member selected, eligible projects within the MVPO region.
The Policies for Managing MVPO Dedicated Funds can be found here.
The application for funding can be found here.
Both emailed and mailed applications will be accepted.