Maumee Valley Planning Organization

Serving Defiance, Fulton, Henry, Paulding, and Williams Counties in Northwest Ohio
Williams County Land Reutilization Corporation (Land Bank)
100 S. Main Street Bryan, OH 43506 (419) 636-1850
Williams County Land Reutilization Corporation (Land Bank)
100 S. Main Street Bryan, OH 43506 (419) 636-1850
The Williams County Land Reutilization Corporation (WCLRC), also known as the Williams County Land Bank, was incorporated in July 2016. The quasi-governmental entity was formed to address vacant, blighted, abandoned, and tax delinquent properties throughout the County. The Land Bank can acquire properties through tax foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure, private donation, purchase, and other means. The goal of the Williams County Land Bank is to improve the quality of neighborhoods, increase land values, create diverse housing opportunities, and return properties to the tax rolls.
Board of Directors
Brian Wieland
Vickie Grimm
Todd Burkholder
Terry Rummel
Lewis Hilkert
Kellie Gray
Jason Rockey

Property Demolition
At times, the Land Bank has funds to demolish properties. If you have a property that needs to be demolished please submit the form below so that we can contact you when funds become available.
Demolition Contractors
If you are a demolition contractor and would like to bid on any future demolition projects, you must be pre-qualified. Complete the demolition pre-qualification form found on the Bids & RFQs Tab.
Properties for sale
The Land Bank is currently seeking a buyer interested in developing the following lots:
613/619 Randolph Street, Montpelier – 072-100-06-028.000 & 072-100-06-027.000
312 Lawrence Street, Montpelier (502 S Jonesville) – 072-110-49-0002.000
205 S Pleasant Street, Kunkle – 102-020-10-008.000
The Land Bank offers an application process for submitting development proposals and pricing for the lot. Your proposal must include financing details and a development plan. Terms and conditions related to the property sale are outlined in the application packet, linked below. Physical copies can be obtained from the Williams County Treasurer’s office or the Maumee Valley Planning Organization Office. You can gain additional information about these properties by visiting the Williams County Auditor’s website.
Proposals must reach Estee Blair, Senior Planner at Maumee Valley Planning Organization, located at 1300 E Second Street, Suite 200, Defiance, OH 43512 no later than 4:30 PM on Tuesday, August 6th, 2024. Emailed proposals can also be sent to Proposals must be submitted on the application format provided & be labeled “Attention: Proposal –Insert Property Address.” Proposals submitted after this date and time will be returned.
Proposals will be reviewed on August 8th, 2024 at 11:30 a.m. at the East Annex Conference Room, 1425 E High Street, Bryan, OH 43506
Land Bank Projects: Before & After

This property was acquired by the Williams County Land Bank in 2017.

B&M Farms, LLC completed the demolition in September 2017.

The raised beds are all full and planting is underway. For more information, contact Jenni McKarns at williamscountygarden

This property was acquired by the Williams County Land Bank in 2017.
Meeting Schedule
The Land Bank typically meets monthly. The date and time are not recurring. Please contact or for the meeting schedule.